Monday, January 9, 2012

Journal : Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

      Last Thursday, me, Brian and Kevin went to city hall to send a letter asking for their system analyst and project manager. This is because our facilitator ask us to interview an analyst but the person we have interview didn't qualify for the requirements. After lending the letter to them, they said that they will just call us and after that day(Friday), someone call me that they have already read the letter and we can now conduct an interview. After that i take a bath, they call again and we can go today but after we get there, nothing happen and they said that the analyst is not there right now and we just go back to school. Saturday and Sunday is the day that we make our project and after making the project, we play games to get those stress moment out. Monday, we called to the city hall office and then they told us that the analyst is on medication and today, i called again and its all the same.

    Today, by browsing the net, a thought come into my mind. What if i will create a computer virus? after that i search for the virus and it caught my attention and i think its more interesting if i make one. Just for fun even thou its not a good act but the thing is i just want to learn. I will not do this because i want to heart people or piss people off but my interest push me to do it. I fount some serous virus that will destroy your computer and some funny virus that will restart your people. I just want to demonstrate it to my college friends. Tomorrow, i will try those learning of mine and see if it will work. The reason why i will not make today because im in my PC and it is dangerous .Im so mean T_T.


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